Yemen in Media Influence Matrix There are currently about 235 media outlets active in Yemen, including 32 satellite channels, 37 radios, 17 newspapers and magazines, and 149 digital newspapers....
Media Influence Matrix
A new report issued today analyzes the sources of financing in Mexican journalism. The Mexican media system is characterized by being political-clientelistic, with limited pluralism and liberal aspirations, and...
Un nuevo informe analiza las fuentes de financiamiento en el periodismo mexicano. El sistema de medios mexicano (SMM) se caracteriza por ser político-clientelar, con un pluralismo limitado y aspiraciones...
Argentina is located in the southernmost part of Latin America. It has over 46 million inhabitants. The main language spoken in the country is Spanish, and its predominant religion...
Argentina está ubicada en la parte más austral de América Latina. Tiene más de 46 millones de habitantes, el idioma principal es el español y predomina la religión católica....
The media in Colombia face more competition and obstacles than before, according to a new report published today by the Media and Journalism Research Center. Access and use of...
According to a new report from our center, local media have experienced a decrease in their advertising financing. The tension between technology and news directly impacts the financing of...
Tecnología, esfera pública y periodismo en Colombia: tensiones por la pauta publicitaria exacerbadas
Los medios en Colombia enfrentan más competencia y obstáculos que antes, según un nuevo informe publicado hoy por el Media and Journalism Research Center. Acceso y uso de las...