Media Influence Matrix

Kazakhstan in Media Influence Matrix When, a Russian-language news portal, launched operations in 2012, its founders pinned their hopes on readers to finance them. But not many people...
Jordan in Media Influence Matrix The General Intelligence Directorate (GID), Jordan’s powerful secret service, has often been praised for its professionalism. Credited with foiling a number of terrorist attacks...
Indonesia in Media Influence Matrix Tempted with ever cheaper deals, many Indonesians use more than one mobile card, resulting in 400 million cellular subscriptions, which makes Indonesia one of...
Czech Republic in Media Influence Matrix During the past decade, the Czech media market has undergone major shifts that have radically changed the country’s journalism. Much of that was...
Bulgaria in Media Influence Matrix With its rapidly expanding ICT sector, Bulgaria has been called “the tech capital of Balkans” and “the Silicon Valley of Southeastern Europe.” Including approximately...
What’s It All About? In 2017, our director Marius Dragomir created the Media Influence Matrix Project to investigate the profound influence that rapid shifts in policy, sources of funding and technology...
Spain in Media Influence Matrix In Spain, the advertising market is concentrated in the hands of a few large media groups while the government keeps pouring money into the...