The number of media outlets falling under government control continues to grow, while the independent public media sector is facing new threats. The government maintains a firm grip on...
State Media Monitor
Following two months of research carried out by local experts and journalists, Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC) has expanded its State Media Monitor project, which researches public and...
State Media Monitor, the project monitoring public and state media across the world run by the Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC), is expanding its country portfolio in Africa....
In a world dominated by government-controlled state and public media outlets, the looming specter of a series of intensifying conflicts presents an alarming peril to democratic societies just before...
In a world dominated by government-controlled state and public media outlets, the looming specter of a series of intensifying conflicts presents an alarming peril to democratic societies just before...
In one of the latest decisions made by Twitter under Elon Musk’s rein, as of Tuesday night, National Public Radio (NPR) has been labeled as state-affiliated media. Such a...
More than 84% of the world’s state media are government-controlled, according to a new report from the Media and Journalism Research Center issued today. The government control over the...
“There is a need for a new vision of public service media,” our Director Marius Dragomir told Australian public service radio ABC. The program, which featured Dragomir, Paul Thompson, chief executive and...
We are happy to announce the launch of the State Media Monitor, the world’s state media database, the most complete state media database ever built. The database contains information...
Our director Marius Dragomir has produced State Media Monitor, the world’s state media database, the most complete state media database ever built. Available through the website, the database contains...