Work carried out by Media and Journalism Research Center (MJRC) is being cited widely in policy and academic studies, NGO reports, articles in the media and interviews. On this page we collect a selection of key citations.

Media and Journalism Research Center has made significant appearances across various media platforms, shedding light on the state of media independence and the challenges facing journalism globally. The research produced at the center has been featured by major publications over the years, featuring analysis on topics ranging from the need for robust media freedom laws in the European Union to the dangers posed by state media and political control. Furthermore, the center’s flagship projects (State Media Monitor, Media Influence Matrix and more recently Global Media Finances Map) have been cited in several publications and studies across platforms and regions that contribute to debates on media integrity, state media, and the role of journalism in preserving democratic principles.

Below is a selection of citations of the research carried out by the center and its experts.