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Media and Journalism Research Center and Maharat Foundation have launched today Freedom of Expression in Europe. The volume, a compilation of six studies written by experts as part of a project to support media reform in Lebanon, provides an analysis of issues relevant to freedom of expression in Europe. Although its main purpose is to provide inspiration to media policymakers and experts in Lebanon, Freedom of Expression in Europe can also serve as a reference for anyone looking to understand the latest trends in topics including regulation, co-regulation, and self-regulation in the European media landscape, the modernization of media laws prompted by digital realities, the importance of decriminalizing defamation, the protection of journalists and journalistic sources, and the rise of startups engaged in public interest journalism across Europe.

Although it refers to other media contexts and makes recommendations for media reform in Lebanon, the volume stands as a cohesive analysis of the latest trends in important areas affecting freedom of expression in Europe.

As part of a media development project, these studies also serve as a knowledge resource, offering practical insights into what practices can be realistically transferred to other regions to improve media reform. The studies in the volume were authored by Minna Aslama Horowitz, Attila Mong, Judith Pies, Andrei Richter and Krisztina Rozgonyi.

See the study here.

See the project page here.